Sleep Apnea Screening
Not getting a good night’s sleep will affect how you feel during the day and could lead to significant health issues. Therefore, getting treated for sleep apnea will improve your quality of life. The first step in this process is finding a sleep clinic in Murray, UT, and getting screened for sleep apnea.
What Is Sleep Apnea Screening?
Sleep apnea screening in Murray, UT, will start with an exam and a questionnaire. This part of the screening process will help the sleep doctor determine the extent of your sleep apnea condition. Next, your doctor will recommend either an at-home or in-clinic test.
What Happens During a Sleep Apnea Screening?
You will need at least two hours of sleep for a valid sleep apnea study. However, the longer you sleep like normal, the better because the more hours tested will help provide more substantial results the doctor can use for a diagnosis. It will also help the doctor make a more precise treatment recommendation because they will better understand what is happening while you sleep.
The Sleep Apnea Test Detection Process
There are two types of sleep apnea—obstructive and central. Obstructive sleep apnea is the most common. It occurs when your airways get fully or partially blocked while you’re sleeping. Central sleep apnea happens when your brain doesn’t send the right signals to help you breathe properly. This type of sleep apnea is due to problems in your central nervous system.
During sleep clinic testing, you will be given a nocturnal polysomnography test. That involves being hooked up to special equipment that will monitor your breathing patterns, blood oxygen levels, arm and leg movements, brain and lung activity, and heart while you are sleeping.
During at-home sleep apnea testing, your doctor will provide some simple tests to help diagnose whether you have sleep apnea. The at-home sleep apnea test will measure your breathing patterns, airflow, blood oxygen levels, and heart rate.
Unfortunately, the at-home portable monitoring devices used to test sleep apnea sometimes miss things. Therefore, your sleep doctor might still recommend a polysomnography test even if your tests were in the standard range.
If your doctor thinks you might have central sleep apnea, they will be more likely to recommend a polysomnography test at the sleep clinic.
Looking for a Sleep Clinic in Murray, UT?
Don’t you think it’s time to get your sleep apnea under control? Please Contact Dr. Jeff Buxton today. We offer sleep apnea testing, a diagnosis, and a variety of solutions for correcting your sleep apnea. We look forward to helping you improve your quality of life!