DEKA QuietNite Laser Treatment
Snoring and breathing problems can make it difficult to sleep. Creating other health problems that can affect your quality of life. Therefore, finding effective solutions is a top priority. That’s where your sleep doctor comes in. Sleep doctors have many tools and resources to help correct your snoring and breathing issues. DEKA QuietNite laser treatment in Murray, UT, is one of them.
What Is DEKA QuietNite Laser Treatment?
DEKA QuietNite is a CO2 energy laser therapy treatment designed to improve snoring and breathing issues. It’s a non-invasive, low-energy laser. It’s used as a correction tool that targets the tonsils, soft palate, and tongue.
How Does the DEKA QuietNite Laser Treatment Work?
The DEKA QuietNite laser treatment provides a quick and painless option for reducing snoring and correcting other nighttime breathing issues. Dental lasers are extremely precise and gentle.
The DEKA eC02 laser can determine the exact micro-surgical penetration depth needed to correct the issue. Since it’s a laser, it’s minimally invasive; there’s no bleeding, side effects, or downtime. The DEKA uses laser energy to stimulate collagen and tighten the treated areas.
What Does the DEKA QuietNite Do to Help?
The DEKA QuietNite will reduce your snoring. It’s a quick and painless treatment with no post-operative pain. It will also increase collagen stimulation, which will provide longer results.
Why is treating your snoring issues so important? Well, because snoring can have long-term consequences. Long-term snoring can lead to cognitive impairment issues, low blood oxygen levels, fatigue, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, and/or a heart attack! Given this information, it’s in your best interest to talk with a sleep doctor in Murray, UT, immediately. Early detection could save your life!
How Long Does the DEKA Treatment Take to Perform?
Your sleep doctor will perform an oral exam and take some X-rays to determine your needs. After that, the actual DEKA laser surgery only takes about 10 minutes or so. There is no need for anesthesia or any type of medication. That’s how simple this procedure is. After your initial treatment, you can return to your normal life immediately. The DEKA treatment requires one and sometimes two procedures that are 21 days apart.
Is the DEKA Treatment Permanent?
The DEKA treatment is not permanent. For the best possible results, you will need a follow-up treatment annually or as needed. Your sleep doctor will discuss your specific situation and make a recommendation.
Looking for a Sleep Doctor in Murray, UT?
If you’re ready to get your snoring under control once and for all, please Contact Dr. Jeff Buxton today. Our sleep medicine clinic offers personalized care and advanced treatment options. Let us help you on your journey to getting a better night’s sleep.